Having Faith is a Choice

It's not always easy to trust yourself, your path, or your connection to Source

Sometimes, having faith is hard. It doesn’t always come automatically for everyone.

In 2017, I remember saying to my husband…

“I wish that I could just believe in something without this nagging feeling of doubt that lives inside of me. I wish I could feel it and experience it the way other people do.”

I didn’t always have the kind of faith that I do now. I had to work hard to build and strengthen my relationships with a higher power and my faith in divine guidance. And it wasn’t too long ago that I was trying to figure out where to even begin.

Even now, that little demon of doubt still lives in my brain.

I still experience a lot of doubt. Seriously, like why am I even doing this newsletter? Nobody cares about what I think. Who the Eff am I!?

When that’s the case, my job is to notice and (attempt to) surrender. To trust that I am always being guided and that I am always connected (even when I don’t feel like it, and when things aren’t working out the way I want them to). To trust that regardless of what the outcomes are, the things that happen in my life are happening for me, my highest healing, and my highest good.

I remind myself of these truths each and every time my doubt demon shows up (which is often).

So for me, having faith — trusting myself and my path — doesn’t come automatically. It’s a choice I make every single day.

It’s a choice that anyone can make, regardless of who you are, how you were brought up, or what your brain tells you is logical or illogical.

Faith is a choice.

And when you choose faith, life get’s a little bit easier, a little bit better, and a whole lot more magical.

Take it easy, my friends.

Alex Wilson, Creator and Curator of Ritual Post